Wednesday, 10 December 2014

Fourth cover mock ups

I created these front covers for my music magazine on fireworks. I started with inserting my image and editing it by making the image darker so that I could use a range of text colours on the front cover. I then created the masthead. I enlarged the masthead and put a white colour around the text so it stands out and so that it is clear. I also changed the spacing between the letters so that there isn't big caps in-between. I then added the headline. I made the words 'Exclusive' and 'The Voice of 2014' red so that it stands out on the page. I also wanted it to contrast with the name 'Laura Cooksey' which is in a white colour. I also enlarged her name because it is the first thing the audience will look at, so it needs to be bold and clear. I then added the cover lines. I put this text in white so that is clear. These are here to show my audience what celebrities are included within my magazine. I kept a simple colour scheme to this front cover of my magazine so it is not too confusing for my audience. These colours will also suit my target audience.

Wednesday, 3 December 2014

Second front cover mock up

This is my second mock up front cover for my music magazine. I have created this in fireworks. I started off with putting my image into fireworks and I edited the picture. I have made the image brighter so that my text can stand out from the image. I then created the masthead. I decided to make half the text white and the other half black so that it has more effect on magazine. I enlarged the text so that it fits across the page and changed the spacing between the letters so that it is bold and clear. I then added a banner above my masthead. I used the colour pink so that it contrasts with the masthead and the background image. I then added a headline. The name 'Laura Cooksey' is in a large font because that is the main focus of the magazine and it is the first thing the audience will look at. Finally I added my coverlines. These are here to show my audience what is included in my magazine. I have made the text of the coverline big and bold so that it stands out to the audience. I have also used a contrast of colours so that there is a consistent colour scheme on my front cover of my music magazine. I have used these colours because they look suitable for my target audience. 

This is my third mock up front cover for my music magazine that I created in fireworks. First, I put my image onto fireworks. I made sharpened my image and made it brighter. After, I created the banner. I used a black banner and white text on top so that it is clear and stands out. Next I added the headline. I enlarged "Laura" so that it stands out on the page. I then added her last name 'Cooksey'. However I changed the colour of her last name that it contrasts with the white text. I also used a different font that it creates more effect. This font also makes the text italic. I then added the banner in the right hand corner and I then edited text on the banner. I used different colours with the banner so it shows a contrast. I have spoken about celebrities in the banner so I have enlarged the celebrities name so that it stands out to the audience.

Wednesday, 26 November 2014

First Front Cover Mock-Up

I am using fireworks to create my music magazine. I started off with my image and I enlarged it so things in the background can be cropped out. This makes it a close-up image. I then edited my picture to make it more brighter. I then made a masthead. I wanted my masthead to be large and for it to go across the page so it stands out. I also changed the spaces between my letters so that it is clear. Then I added the headline. The headline 'Laura Cooksey' is in a large font because it is the first thing my audience will look at. Finally, I added my cover lines. These are here to tell my audience what will be included in my magazine. I used a different colour for my cover lines so that all the font colour isn't the same.  There isn't that much writing on my front cover because I don't want it to be too confusing for my target audience

Friday, 14 November 2014

Photo Planning

I am going to have my friend Laura Cooksey and my cousin Hope Lescott posing for my music magazine.  I am going to have a mixture of pictures so that it shows different themes so that they fit the genre of my magazine. The shots I will use are medium shots and close - ups. Some pictures will be of Laura looking directly at the camera so that shes showing eye contact . This is because, it could show the audience what there personality is like. Other pictures will be on Hope leaning against a wall. This could show a typical sterotype of a female RnB artist. The pictures are going to be different so that all the pictures aren't the same and so it shows a different style of image and that they are presented in different ways.

I will think about the way Laura and Hope will do their hair and make up so it fits the genre of RnB. I don't want all of my pictures to look the same because RnB celebrities are presented in different ways. I want my models to have a similar style to RnB celebrities such as Rihanna, Beyonce or Nicki Minaj. Here is my photo planning sheet :

These are some examples of some celebrity photoshoots:

Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Brand Identity and Brand Values of my own music magazine

Brand Identity is how all the elements that contribute to the visual appearance work together to distinguish that brand in the mind of the audience/ consumer. This includes the use of colour, fonts, style of imagery, layout and house style. 

The brand identity for my music magazine is that my target audience is teenagers and young adults, therefore I can use a good mixture of colours, such as bright or dull so it suits the atmosphere of the magazine. The magazine will have a unique style so that it appeals to the audience. The house style will be consistent so my magazine will look professional.

Brand Values are things that are deemed important by a brand, the things that it stands for 
and what it represents.

My music magazine will be called 'Resonance' presents teenagers and young adults can show there deep passion for music, especially RnB music. It also wants the younger teenagers to expression there passion for music, whether it is singing or rapping. My magazine will support my audience because it will try and help the unfortunate people to achieve there dreams of music.

Monday, 10 November 2014

Brand Identity and Brand Values of Billboard and Vibe Magazine

Billboard focuses on showing the audience about new artists they are advertising and upcoming events that are happening. The masthead 'Billboard' expresses that there is a good vibe towards the magazine. The magazine communicates with teenagers and young adults. They show this by using known artists such as Beyonce Knowles. It targets females and males, they show this by the style that they use. The magazine believes in showing there readers they have a positive attitude. The layout of the magazine shows it is an energetic magazine, however it does use dull colours but it still appeals to young children. The colours in the masthead suggests what the magazine is about and the vision it is trying to create on people.

Vibe focuses on showing there audience new songs that have been released by current RnB and Rap artists. The masthead 'Vibe' is very big and bold, however this could show a negative attitude towards some people and it could be a bad influence on them. It targets females and males but it mainly targets males, they show this by the layout they have used. The layout of the magazine that it is a dull magazine, however the magazine still appeals to teenagers and young adults.

Treatment for music magazine production

The title of my music magazine will be called Resonance and the genre of my music magazine will be RnB. I have chosen to do this genre because this genre of music is very current and a lot of people listen to it. This genre of music is good to focus on because RnB doesn't just focus on British people for example Jessie J, there are a lot of American RnB artists such as Beyonce. Upcoming music events will be featured in my magazine, and the latest news about celebrities will be advertised. New competitions and weekly interviews. My intended primary target audience for my product are for males and females teenagers aged 16 - 25. A young white female which will be aged around my target audience will be representing on my magazine. This challenges the typical stereotype of an RnB artist because they are predominately black people.  My audience will be mainstream. This is means I will produce my magazine so that different people will enjoy looking and reading it. My audience is also mainly for people who like to watch music awards shows such as EMA's, The Brits Awards or BET Awards.  My secondary audience are aimed at young adults and adults. RnB artists will be represented to the young adults in a way to show a positive attitude. It will also be showing an energetic vibe. I will use a range of bright colours and I will keep my font consistent throughout my magazine. I will choose an appropriate style to suit the genre of my magazine.

Friday, 24 October 2014

Results from my questionnaire

These results show that my magazine should be aimed at teenagers aged between 15-20.

These results suggest that my magazine should be aimed at a male audience because my genre of music

From the answers I received from my survey, it showed that most people like listening to RnB. This is helpful because I know what to genre music I can do for my magazine.

These results show show what artist people mostly listening to. This is good because it can link to what genre of my music magazine I can focus on.
From these results it shows most people wouldn't spend more that £1.99 for a magazine. This shows if I was to sell my music magazine I know to keep it in that prize range.
These results show that most people would like to see the latest music updates. This is helpful because I know what is best to be included in my music magazine.

Wednesday, 15 October 2014



What is Representation?
Representation is about the way in which institutions present a version of the world. It can relate to how different social groups, ages, social classes and places are portrayed in media. 

Representation can be linked to media text because people get represented in the media such as magazines, TV Drama and social media. Representation can be done by any audience such as females/males, teenagers or adults.

Questionnaire for target audience

What genre of music magazine are you going to be constructing? 
  • My genre of music magazine is going to be R&B/Rap.
Will it be for a mainstream or niche audience? Why?
  • My audience will be mainstream, because if I do a R&B/Rap Magazine, it would be a very popular magazine, because that genre of music is very popular.
Is it similar to any existing products or is it going to be different? Explain how + why?
  • Vibe is smilar music magazine to the one I want to create because it is a R&B + Rap Magazine. However vibe is an american magazine, mine would be created for the UK
Who is the core reader of your magazine be? What artists do they like? How do they dress?
  • My core readers will be teenagers aged from 16 - 25. The artists that will be included will be Beyonce, Chris Brown and Drake.
What will their age ranges be?
  • The age will range from 16-25.
Who will be your primary and secondary audience?
  • My primary audience will be teenagers and young adults. My secondary audience will be older adults because they might now be interested.

Thursday, 9 October 2014

Plan for photos for the contents page

I will take pictures of sixthform students. I will take several pictures and  i will choose which one is suitable for my magazine. I will take the pictures in the music room because I think that would be suitable for my audience. The picture would be of them playing an instrument. It will be portrait and I will take it at a mid-shot angle. I will make sure there is enough space in the picture so I don't have to crop it.


Sunday, 5 October 2014

Verbal Feedback

Verbal feedback from Mr Farr

Big improvements in all areas.
Use of fireworks and layout and composition of text.
Focus, concentration and effort with independent learning and lessons.

Keep asking thoughtful questions to help me make progress.
Maintain level of interest and ethuisuam that I have shown recently

Thursday, 2 October 2014

Front cover of my magazine

This is my school magazine front cover that I created in Fireworks. I have used a range of colours so that it blends with my image. The front cover includes items that will be in my magazine. 

Tuesday, 30 September 2014



I will take pictures of two female year 9 students. They are Remi and Renee Tomlinson and they are twins. I will take the pictures in the library whilst they are reading a book. I will get them to smile whilst they are reading the book so they are showing a positive attitude. The picture will be portrait. I will take the picture at a mid-shot angle. I will make sure there is enough space so I won't have to crop the picture. After taking all of the pictures I will choose the best one that is suitable for my magazine.

Thursday, 25 September 2014

Rule of thirds homework

What is the Rule of Thirds?
Rule of thirds is when you split an image into thirds. Once you split the image you will get two horizontal lines and two vertical lines and you will have 9 sections.

If you have lines on your photo, it will become more balanced, and the viewer will be able to interact with it. Using the rule of third will let the viewer look at different points of the photo not just the centre of it.

I got this image from

Wednesday, 24 September 2014



Who is my audience?

The audience for my school magazine are staff aged between 24 - 65 male and females. It will also be aimed at all students aged 11 - 18 and there parents / careers. 

Why have I chosen this audience?
I have chosen this audience so that most people in school can read it and it will include important things for them. I will design my magazine so it is suitable for everyone to read.

Thursday, 18 September 2014

Magazine Language

Magazine Language

Common Format

Example of an advert
Magazines are really popular and they have loads of things in common, such as;
  • If there are no adverts in a magazine then the price of a magazine would increase. 
    • Features used within a magazine will relate to the main interests of the target audience.
    • The editor in a magazine might introduce main topics. They might give their own opinion on something or they might even give a hint about the next issue that is going to be issued.
    • Readers can sometimes write to magazines to ask for their help. This is also knows as the letters page


  • On a front cover, there is usually a big picture. It might be something related within the magazine. The cover image represents the message and values of the magazine.
  • At the side of the cover are details about the contents. They are usually headline style so it can grab the readers attention.
  • Example of front cover
  • Other information that is included on a front cover is a title. This is usually in a big font so it is bold and clear.
  • There are also prices, issue number and logo. The title is usually so easy to see, it is usually co evened by the picture. 

  • The back cover is also a full page of an advert.

Example of a back cover

Tuesday, 16 September 2014

examples of magazine names

  1. plantsbrk magazine
  2. PB Mag
  3. Plantsbrook weekly
  4. brook magazine
  5. PB
  6. Pee-bee weekly
  7. the brook

Monday, 15 September 2014

Contents of a magazine

Contents of a magazine
  • After school clubs
  • Stories about students
  • Trips / Visits
  • Term dates / Holidays
  • Slogan / Puff
  • Head teacher's message
  • Contact Information
  • Fundraising
  • Pictures
  • Message to parents
  • Dates for events
  • Students achievements

Conventions for a front cover

Front Cover
  • Masthead
  • Banners
  • Lure
  • Features / Articles
  • Gutter
  • Graphics
  • Pull Quotes
  • Puff
  • Hook

Sunday, 14 September 2014

Masthead homework

Dark black background and it has white writing on it which says 'Kerrang'. This masthead attracts the readers because the letters are bold and clear. There is no spaces between the letters. Kerrang has shattered lines on it, which suggests it has been shattered due to loud noise. It is in uppercase. This is an sans-serif style font. The colours used in this masthead are contrasting and they harmonise we'll together. The background colour suggests a rock theme.

The letters are big and bold. It stands out and it is very clear. The outline of the letters are white and black. The letter's 'NME' is in red writing and it is in uppercase. They have used a sans-serif style font.
This masthead has big bold writing. It has small spaces between each other. It is all in uppercase. The word 'Mojo' is very clear, however the red writing is not clear because the colours are contrasting. This is a sans-serif style font.

This masthead has used a range of colours, such as black, green, red, yellow, blue and orange. The letters are bold and they are very clear. It is all in lowercase. This is a sans-serif style font. They have used four primary colours in this masthead which are red, yellow, green and blue. Some letters are joint together but the others have small spaces between each other.

This masthead has black background. It has bold and clear letters which is red. This is a sans-serif style font. The colours are contrasting and harmonising really well. They have used the colour red which is a primary colour. The colours could create a moody atmosphere to the readers.

The letters used within this masthead are bold and clear. It is all in lowercase apart from the letter 'X'. This is a sans-serif style font.  It has used a purple background and then they have used the colour white for the letters so it's clear.

This letters used within this masthead stand out. The letters are very bold and clear. It is all in lowercase apart from the letter 'R'. They have used images within the letters. This makes the masthead more creative and it will engage the readers. The images that are used relate to the magazine. They have used a sans-serif style font.

 This masthead has used a used the colour for the writing. It is all in lowercase apart from the letters 'R' and 'S'. The letters are bold and clear.  This masthead has a serif style font. On the outline of the letters it has black and white stripes to make it stand out. The letters are also in 3D. They have used a primary colour for the letters.