Monday, 13 April 2015

Question 4 evalutation: Who would be the audience for your media product?

My magazine is aimed at teenagers and young adults aged 16 - 25 who are students.  My magazine is mainly aimed at females who are in love with R&B music. My magazine is also aimed at a mixture of ethnicity's. This is because many ethnicity's are listen to this genre of music and they usually are involved in this genre of music. I decided to aim it at students because they usually follow R&B artists style. By this I mean, a lot of students look up to R&B artists, by copying the way they dress and the way they act.  I have also mentioned a lot of popular R&B artists on my front cover. My audience is also for people who are interested in fashion, because they could copy what the celebrities within my magazine are wearing.

I have asked some people, that are related to my target audience, some questions about my magazine. The questions I have asked my audience are: What do you think of my magazine? Would you buy my magazine? Does my magazine suit my target audience? Are the images I have used right for my magazine? Would you pay £1.99 for my magazine? How did I attract my audience? Is there anything you would change about my magazine?

This first response to my questions is from a teenager aged 17 called Trish Masamvi. 

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